Custom Enterprise Packages

We create customer packages to suit your needs. Ideal for larger brokers and aggregators. Sign up more than 10 brokers at a time and save.

We might not be a good fit if you are:

  1. wanting to reprice a loan book you’ve purchased
  2. wanting to reprice inactive broker loans (orphan book clients)
  3. have switched aggregators recently and the majority of your loan book is with your old aggregator
  4. you like pineapple on pizza…

No credit card details required to sign up for the Free Trial. At the end of the 14 days if you love Sherlok enough to pay for it you can then give us your preferred credit card payment details at that point.

Our bank level security ensures your data is encrypted using 256 bit encryption. Your data is also managed, tested and stored on Australian servers.
For most brokers it takes no more than 5 minutes.

During the free trial you can use Sherlok to reprice up to 6 of your client loans per week AND generate up to two refinancing leads. After the free trial you can choose which subscription plan suits your needs. Most brokers go for the Ultimate Plan which gives them unlimited, everything!